South Country Education Foundation

Becker / Gambles Music Fund

Founded in 2002 using a monetary grant from former Superintendent of Schools Arthur Becker and continuing the efforts begun by community leader Mary Gambles, the Becker/Gambles Music Fund supports music education in the South Country School District. To this end, the fund administers a scholarship program, produces an annual concert series, and provides master classes in the schools. The fund also promotes the donations of musical instruments to the school district.

South Country Summer Music Program

Our South Country Summer Music Program gives students, grades five thru nine, a one-week band and orchestra enrichment experience. During the week, students will participate in band and orchestra rehearsals, group projects such as World Drumming, and combined philharmonic ensemble. The week ends with an evening concert for family and friends.

Scholarship Program

The fund raises money to provide scholarships for music study to deserving students from the 4th through 11th grades. Intermediate and middle school students may be able to continue music lessons during the summer months and high school students to enroll in summer workshops, to participate in youth ensembles and to attend music camps.

Concert Series

Each year the Becker/Gambles Music Fund presents concerts in the community. The concerts range from popular to jazz to classical. Groups have included string quartets, jazz ensembles, a cappella choirs as well as performances by individual vocalists and instrumentalists.

Master Classes

As part of the mission to support music education, the fund sponsors master classes in our schools. Over the years, advanced students from SUNY Stony Brook, SUNY Fredonia and Tufts University have worked with our students. In these classes our music students work with the visiting musicians to improve their abilities. Personal contact with these musicians is inspirational to the students.

Musical Instrument Donation Program

If you have a clarinet, flute, violin, piano or any musical instrument that is not being used, please consider donating it for use in our schools. All instruments are evaluated, repaired if necessary and are put to good use in our excellent music programs.

Donate to the Becker/Gambles Music Fund

The work of the fund cannot go on without the generosity of members of our community. If you would like to support the fund, please send your donation made out to “South Country Education Foundation” (with “Becker/Gambles Music Fund” on the memo line) to:

PO Box 512
Bellport, NY 11713

You can also donate online through the button below. Be sure to note “Becker/Gambles Music Fund.” Under your donation amount, it will say “Write a note (optional),” once you input the donation amount.


Thank you for your support,


Chantal Berman
Deb Birnbaum
Victoria Hartman
Nancy Marr
Dava Stravinsky
Jim Uzzi